What is happening?

Good question! 

The world is caught in a stranglehold by a mysterious virus and one of the first notable casualties was the suspension of the 2019-2020 NBA season. SMASH CUT: the domino effect of cancelling live sports. SMASH CUT: ESPN floundering to replace that wealth of content with other sports-related content to fill this 24/7 media machine like replaying old playoff games of any sport one can think of, playing sports movies like 'Remember the Titans', and, the old stand-by time-filler, LISTS. Lists about players or teams or sports or whatever one can make a list about to offer as content to the sports fans in this quarantine times. 

Thus, ESPN's ranking the top 74 NBA players of all time - https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/29105574/ranking-top-74-nba-players-all-nos-74-41

While ESPN was busy making this list in their quarantine, my wife and I have been busy rewatching 'Lost' on Hulu. Obviously, I decided to take the logical next step and make accurate comparisons of those players with characters from 'Lost'. Comparisons built on demeanor, skill set, emotional career story arcs, and bedroom etiquette. And that's why we're here! Enjoy!

You still have questions? 

Oh yeah, I've gone insane! Does that help? I have gone coo-coo like most and have been writing extensive recaps of 'Lost' episodes and sending them to my friends and those friends were earnestly discussing this NBA all timers list and one joke led to another ... and to me taking this joke too far. Typical. Ok?

Bullet points! Need to knows about 'LOST is NBA, NBA is LOST'! 

1. I like 'Lost'. 
2. I have not read the ESPN list in its entirety. I only look ahead one or two numbers of what I've posted.
3. I have no idea why it is 74 players and not 100 players. And I don't care. 
4. There will be words like 'fuck' used a lot in the posts.
5. If you're not comfortable with the sexualization of the top 74 NBA players of all time according to ESPN then this blog is not for you.

Thank you for reading! 


Anonymous said…
what a great idea! i love lost and i love the wnba, with the regular nba being a close second. the wnba's great fundamentals more than make up for their inability to dunk.

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